A romantic comedy, focusing on the love triangle between Bob Jones, Alysia Potter and Polly Meachum. Originally engaged, Bob and Alysia elope to Bowling Green, Connecticut, where they meet Silas Meachum, a campaigner against motion pictures, and his daughter, Polly. The eloping couple’s family arrive, chasing them, and persuade them to wait to get married. Polly goes to New York to join the Ziegfeld Follies, but is ultimately replaced by Alysia. As Bob consoles Polly, Alysia breaks off the engagement, and Bob and Polly may now marry.
James Gleason
Paul GordonGeorge Fawcett
Mr. JonesBillie Dove
Alysia PotterKenneth Harlan
Bob JonesConstance Talmadge
Polly MeachamThomas Carr
Jimmy MeachamPaul Doucet
Clarence HopeTheresa Maxwell Conover
Mrs. Potter