
Movie Poster
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Luca Parmitano is the first italian astronaut to perform an extravehicular activity, currently part of the crew engaged in the Expedition 61 mission on board the International Space Station (SSI), is ready to tell his latest space adventures.
  • Avatar Picture Mark121 6/23/2021 3:58:37 PM 8.4

    Simply Beautifull, a Great documentary, with LOCATIONS NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Luca parmitano is Amazing (life and training) and the "speaker" is a realy good idea. Happy to see again and again.

  • Avatar Picture Mark121 6/23/2021 3:58:37 PM 8.4

    A Great documentary, a beautiful documentary. Rare and never-before-seen scenes. The crew must have been a lot with the astronaut. Unique images of Japan. Beautiful photograph. Very "special" director. I recommend it to everyone