Roland Emmerich
Screenplay -
Eliza Coleman
Stunts -
Bernard Telsey
Local Casting -
Kim H. Winther
Second Assistant Director -
Keith Woulard
Stunts -
Dean Devlin
Screenplay -
Gene LeBell
Stunts -
Jimmy N. Roberts
The Movie Mob 1/21/2023 8:47:06 PM
**Disaster or alien movie (possibly even action movie) - it just doesn't get better than Independence Day! This 1996 sci-fi action blockbuster is one of the greatest of all time!** When you watch the mega-blockbusters of the 1990s and compare them to each other, it is easy to forget how groundbreaking they really were. Films like Jurassic Park and Independence Day were massively ahead of their time, winning all kinds of awards and launching cinema into a new era of special effects. But Independence Day is much more than effects: the directing, the writing, the characters, the cast, the story, the pacing; everything about this movie is the perfect storm of excellence, enthusiasm, and entertainment. It is rare to find a film that so perfectly blends action, adventure, comedy, horror, and sci-fi as beautifully as this movie. Will Smith was a promising new actor surrounded by high-caliber performances from Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman. Seriously, we need to elect Bill Pullman's Thomas Whitmore as President. His speech to inspire the troops before the climactic final battle is among the most iconic in cinema history! Independence Day set the bar for alien invasion blockbusters and brilliantly told the separate stories of its main characters while weaving them together in the final act to save the world. Roland Emmerich knows how to do a disaster movie; this is his masterpiece.
Andre Gonzales 7/4/2023 10:12:24 PM
Very good movie. Funny as well with plenty of action. As they try to save the world from an alien invasion.
Kamurai 6/23/2021 3:58:53 PM
Really good watch, would watch again, and can recommend. It's Will Smith fighting invading aliens, and Jeff Goldblum being almost annoyingly smart. The alien aspect of the movie and the story are all great, but there is also a lot of humanizing scenes to keep the audience reminded of for what the Terrans are fighting. I'm sure there is a supercut version that reduces the movie to 45-60 minutes of good old alien fighting and investigation, but it's nothing that's actually worth skipping. If you're into alien invasion / apocalypse movies, then make sure you put this on your to watch list.
Will Smith
Capt. Steven HillerJeff Goldblum
David LevinsonMae Whitman
Patricia WhitmoreFrank Welker
Special Vocal Effects (voice)Bill Pullman
President Thomas J. WhitmoreMary McDonnell
Marilyn WhitmoreMargaret Colin
Constance SpanoVivica A. Fox
Jasmine Dubrow