Venom: Let There Be Carnage

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  • PG13
After finding a host body in investigative reporter Eddie Brock, the alien symbiote must face a new enemy, Carnage, the alter ego of serial killer Cletus Kasady.
  • Avatar Picture Henry 12/3/2021 8:36:11 PM 8.4

    I liked it very much, so I add my top ten to the already existing positive reviews. The film is great in its genre. After the first viewing, it seemed to me that the second film would be stronger than the first. Duo Hardy-Harrelson = aerobatics. In the end, from the abundance of excellent jokes, my facial muscles ached (by the way, special thanks to the translators for the texts). I'm waiting for the continuation, it's very interesting to know what other capabilities Venom will demonstrate.

  • Avatar Picture Cal 10/25/2021 9:29:12 PM 8.4

    Let There be Carnage! It is a not bad movie to watch. The story regarding the birth of Carnage is different than the comic but works in the time they used to show this story. The movie does not give a ton of back story on the dual villains in the story but they show the love they have for one another. The movie is short and very fast pace. It also has plenty of comedy between the hosts and the symbiotes. Overall the movie sets up for a Venom 3 and an inclusion of Venom into the MCU. If the relationship between Sony & Marvel can continue to be good fans of the franchise will have a bright future ahead.

  • Avatar Picture RADIO1'S MR. MOVIE!-MAD AMI 🌠 11/17/2021 10:03:52 AM 8.4

    **Yes . . . This Is A Big Fun Film, Period. But Given Cletus's BARBARIC Convenience Store Murder~ { A L O N E❗} How Is It Rated "PG13" Or Below 😲 . . . IN -{ THESE }- MANY DARN COUNTRIES❓** A **-{ _B I G_ }-** Screen **MINI** Review ; Film Seen By Me -{ Twice }- ; First On Oct.20, And Then Nov. 04, '21. ______________________________________________________ Venom : "Time to die!!!" ( said by him as he and Eddie verge on a full on "War-charge" of the -genuinely- "Terrifying" looking Carnage ). Eddie : " That’s the spirit ! ! " Venom : "I mean us. **-{ W E }-** are going to die!!!". ______________________________________________________ **A " UPSIDES-1ST, If You Please { I write " Exclusively Constructive ✅ " Reviews ; Here're Some Of The Movie's Plus-Points, Right Up Front } " :** 1 : There's a LOT of -Very- entertaining humour right the way through "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" ( to be referred to henceforth as 'V2' ) . . . . from 'Eddie Brock' ( Tom Hardy )'s "Odd Couple" style interactions with 'Venom' ( also played by -Him- , of course ) . . . . to some often tender, and occasionally even genuinely -Moving- banter, within the undeniably funny **"Love-quadrangle"** of Eddie and Venom , along with 'Anne Weying' and 'Dr. Dan Lewis' ( Michelle Wiilliams and Reid Scott, respectively ). 2 : Tom Hardy succeeds **-Phenomenally-** , in delivering his "super-symbiotic" performance ; with an -{ ABSOLUTE }- degree of credibility. How I wish more people would only appreciate how **( -Incredibly- )** difficult it is to emote for two -very- different entities, -near- simultaneously, that exist within just -{ ONE SINGLE }- body. 3 : Venom's "Mardi-Gras Themed Nightclub Scene". Simply stated, it's just absofreakinglutely -{ H I 💥 😂 - larious }. What's more, if you're a -passionate- progressive ( in real life ), like me, then you are almost -certain- to completely -{ Adore }- the 'horrible yet affable' Antihero's -equally- passionate appeal to stop "Cruelty Against **ALIENS**" . . . just a 'Glorious', ( albeit somewhat implicit ) message about the need to be -'Kinder'- to immigrants, documented or otherwise, delivered just -as- 'Gloriously' . . . ( Need I really say more ? ). **B " ( _PLEASE_ ) , Let There Be Common Sense ! " :** 1 : There are some -{ Extreme }- abuse & violence related thematic elements in a film that is rated 'PG-13' ( Or Below ! ) in at least -Fifteen- countries, & that's -just- on IMDb's -very limited- "Certications" list, -{ ALONE ! }- . 2 : In a nutshell : the ( entirety ) of the -Story- , per se , feels a little too **-{ " SIMPLISTIC 🤷‍♂️ " }-** ; not to mention the picture's almost -{ "Confoundingly" }- short, & somewhat "Disappointing", frankly, runtime of 97 minutes ; for what is essentially a -{ MARVEL }- cinematic offering. So here is perhaps -{ The }- most significant reason for -Why- that was the case, in my best estimation. Tom Hardy and Kelly Marcel, V2's storywriters . . . . -{ collectively }- lacked the requisite experience to rise to the indubitably -gargantuan- task of ( -Adequately- ) enthralling a whole -Planet- ; one that has now become -Altogether- used to watching 'PHENOMENALLY' entertaining Marvel fare, and there's really no other way to say it. Tom, ( whom I 'Admire To Death' as a -performer- , I definitely ought to point out here ), had only two✌ **-STORY-** writing credits to his name prior to V2 , with Kelly logging just three👌 . . . { counting 'Individual' TV Series, but -Not- counting 'Shorts' ( short films ), of course }. 3 : A " MASSIVE " Missed Opportunity : It is -indeed- not all that often that we see a quintessential 'Popcorn-blockbuster' flick make a -significant- effort to -Humanize- the villain by way of their -{ Early Childhood Experiences }- , no matter -how- evil they nay be shown as being. For V2 to first -very- SUCCESSFULLY achieve this with the "Supremely" prolific actor Woody Harrelson's 'Carnage' ...( finalé )... only to have said moment -Utterly- invalidated just a few cinematic beats later ( -you'll know when you see it- ) was quite the let down, 'Alas' 😔 **C " FINAL SUMMARY " :** I have absolutely -{ N O }- doubt in my mind that had V2 been roughly 'a good 23 minutes' longer ( -At Least- , in order to make for a more "Marvel-like" runtime of Two-full-hours ) ; that I would have given it a mimimum score of '8 out of 10', without a moment's thought. -That- , in addition of course, to my "Titular-gripe" . . . ( me being the -Doting- parent that I like to think I am ), brings me to the conclusion that this -nonetheless- **{ Undeniably }** Fun, Exciting, "Idiosyncratic Delight" of a Movie is -Still- most definitely worthy of -{ 7.50 'Rock-Solid' Marks Out Of 10 }- **. . . . NOTWITHSTANDING 🔥**