Zach Goheen
Sound -
Jason Chiodo
Sound -
Jacob Hamilton
Director -
Russell Wayne Groves
Producer -
Andrew Shinjang Lee
Producer -
Erick Peyton
Producer -
Jeron Smith
Producer -
Grant Myers
Boringname 6/23/2021 3:58:39 PM
This is a very entertaining documentary. The man it follows, Kenny Sailors, has lead a very interesting life worthy of several documentaries, and is woefully unrecognised by history. His wikipedia page is far too short for the stories told in this film. It is well paced, has excellent editing and cute animated segments, what more could you want?
Stephen Curry
SelfKevin Durant
SelfDirk Nowitzki
SelfBobby Knight
SelfJay Bilas
SelfNancy Lieberman
SelfKenny Sailors