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  • PG13
Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Michael Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success soon reveals itself to be a remedy potentially worse than the disease.
  • Avatar Picture CrisisDog 7/26/2022 2:19:51 PM 8.4

    Honestly, I don't know why this movie has gotten so many bad ratings. Yes, it's a vampire movie, and I'm not sure how much originality can be squeezed out of that genre anymore. I am totally -not- a Jared Leto fan from some of his other movies and was hesitant on that behalf to watch this film. But once in, he actually pulls off a very realistic doctor role that is also bitter on life due to his health. Of course, looking for the solution leads to the bigger story that you could probably guess by now. I'm also at a point where I'm "over it" with a lot of these superhero movies, so it was refreshing to see something different out of the MCU. If I did have any complaints, there are some unanswered questions at the end, but you know, that always leaves room for a sequel. However, on top of that, the two end credit scenes just add more "Huuuh?" and probably do more damage than good. Not the best movie ever, but a far reach from the worst as well. A solid, enjoyable experience, at least for me. As always, your mileage may vary.

  • Avatar Picture Per Gunnar Jonsson 5/16/2024 3:21:17 PM 8.4

    I have to say that I quite liked this movie. A bit surprised since it is a new Marvel movie after all. It is even free of woke bull manure which made me even more surprised. The “scientific” part of Morbius changing his DNA, overnight no less, by means of some serum that he derived from vampire bats is of course utter nonsense but one cannot really complain too much about that since it is straight from the original comic book character. The story is really simple and not much to write home about but it works in its simplicity. After all, in this kind of movie we really do not need something fancy as long as it is not downright stupid. It only needs to be a vehicle for the action and special effects and for that purpose the story works fine. I like Morbius. He is intelligent and he doesn’t just sink down in some self pity or whining sessions when he finds out that things did not go exactly as planned. Sure, he is not happy about it but at least he does research into his condition and he actually takes the effort to learn what he can do with his new powers. I also do like the special effects and the action in general. The bad guy was rather predictable and not really very charismatic but he worked fairly okay. I think that most of the actors made a good enough job actually. If I should complain about anything it was that scene in the beginning where they claimed that vampire bats could “finish off” big animals in minutes or something. That not what vampire bats do or how they feed. It is of course utter ignorant bull manure by some idiot script writer and it was really totally unnecessary to soil the movie with such nonsense already in the first scenes. I had hoped that ignorant script writers like that died out together with the last flying rubber Piranha in the early 80’s. Anyway, I quite liked the movie. A lot of movies that I’ve watched lately have felt bloated and too long for the material. This one I actually felt was too short.

  • Avatar Picture Andre Gonzales 7/19/2023 5:59:05 PM 8.4

    Another crazy movie by marvel. Like a wolf vampire zombie looking thing. Pretty awesome movie!