Kamen Rider Duke: Ryoma Sengoku continues his research of the Sengoku Drivers along with Takatora Kureshima. Takatora thinks that the lives of humanity was the number one priority, however Ryoma disliked his way of thinking increasing the production with cost as the main priority than efficiency. Kamen Rider Knuckle: It's been one year since Kaito disappeared, and peace had returned to Zawame City once more. Zack departed for New York, and left leadership of Team Baron to Peko. However upon hearing that Shura, a former member of Team Baron that Kaito once exiled, had formed his own team, Neo Baron, Zack returns to Zawame City to set things right.
Kazuki Namioka
Lock Dealer Sid / Kamen Rider SigurdMahiro Takasugi
Mitsuzane Kureshima / Kamen Rider RyugenTsunenori Aoki
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider DukeJun Toba
Kugai Kudo / Kamen Rider SaverYutaka Kobayashi
Kaito Kumon / Kamen Rider BaronYuki Kubota
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider ZangetsuMinami Tsukui
Yoko Minato / Kamen Rider MarikaRyô Matsuda
Hideyasu Jonouchi