Ghostbusters: Afterlife

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  • PG13
When single mom Callie and her two kids Trevor and Phoebe arrive in a small Oklahoma town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.
  • Avatar Picture Per Gunnar Jonsson 5/16/2024 3:21:17 PM 8.4

    This is a film that I was on one hand looking forward to watch and on another hand feared to watch. I was really hoping that this movie would be able to reboot the franchise after that abysmal piece of woke shit Ghostbusters (2016) had totally ruined it. Looking back at my review of that movie I am actually surprised that I gave it any stars at all but in 2016 the lefts wokeness had not yet reached the psychopath levels that is has today so I guess it didn’t strike me as hard. Anyway, when it was announced that this new movie would ignore previously mentioned atrocity and be a sequel to the original(s) it, of course, became a must watch for me. So, what about this new instalment then? Well, it is almost woke free which is a relief of course. Is it a great movie? No not really but it is good and it is a quite entertaining family movie and, frankly, it gets an added star just for burying the 2016 feminist trash. I think that one will be relegated to the same status as the famous The Scottish Play and, from now on, be referred to as The Woke Trash, if referred to at all. I have to agree with some reviews that think it was a poor choice to make the main protagonists in this movie kids. It might have worked if they had more support from some charismatic adult characters but sadly the two main adult characters are not up to that task. The teacher is somewhat fun but really quite stupid. He is also the subject of the only woke nonsense in the movie. Apparently some green fanatic had to take a stab at America’s energy independence. Now we see how well that worked out. The science hating mother is really just grating on me almost every scene she is in. The three kids are not really bad though. Their different personalities complement them nicely. My favorite character was definitely the science geek. The fourth kid, Lucky, was not really adding much apart from giving Trevor a change to drool all over the place. I would have liked to see more ghosts and stuff though. The special effects were fairly nice when they occurred but a few more ghost rampaging around town would have been cool. The metal munching ghost was rather funny though. The story was working but rather thin and full of stupid plot holes. Given the ease by which the kids got down to that temple or prison or whatever you would want to call it, it is just not reasonable that they would be the first to discover it. If that science hating mother would really have been married to Spengler I doubt that she would really have been as ignorant as she is. Also, when, finally, some supernatural activities happen that stupid teacher is the only one in the entire Walmart store. Seriously? Ran out of money for extras or what? Still, overall I enjoyed the movie. It had a fairly nice mix of mystery, adventure and comedy. It also tied nicely into the original with quite a few throwbacks. It was nice to see the original actors doing a last mission. Especially Bill Murray. I still cannot believe that he accepted to play that bullshit, and short lived, character in The Woke Trash. I cannot really make up my mind if I liked the mini marshmallow men though but then I thought that part was rather silly in the original movie as well. I guess it satisfied quite a few of the original fan base though. So, bottom line, if you liked the original, I think you will probably like this one. It’s not wow great but it was fun and entertaining and, in my opinion, it is good enough to dig the franchise out of the grave that The Woke Trash put it in.

  • Avatar Picture Martha 7/26/2022 2:18:29 PM 8.4

    I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan since the first film when I was a little girl. After the all-girl cast Ghostbusters I went into this one with extreme low expectations however I was blown away by how nostalgic, heartfelt, and wonderful this movie ended up being. It felt like coming home again. This is the true sequel to the previous Ghostbusters movies.

  • Avatar Picture JPV852 2/8/2022 4:35:20 AM 8.4

    More than a little heavy in the nostalgia department (not complaining as I got to see the OG there at the end), but as these sequels go I liked it enough, especially the young cast that weren't terribly obnoxious. I will admit that I almost got a tear in my eye when... I heard the Ecto-1 siren go. Not kidding. And CGI Egon wasn't bad either. Definitely better than that 2016 mistake. Chalk it up to a nightmare alternate universe. **3.5/5**