The Journey Is the Destination

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The inspiring life story of the late photojournalist, artist and activist Dan Eldon, who abandoned a comfortable life in London to document the struggle, heartbreak and hope of a war-torn and famine-ridden region of Africa.
  • Avatar Picture GenerationofSwine 1/12/2023 3:27:17 AM 8.4

    This is one of those movies like "Into the Wild" where people are going to view it and get inspiration from stupidity. "Into the Wild" was about an idealistic young man who underestimated nature and ultimately met his fate because his ideals didn't exactly mesh well with reality. "The Journey is the Destination" is pretty much the same, only rather than underestimating nature, he underestimated people and, in specifically, the people that he was working to help. In one case it was man's disrespect for nature. In this case it was man's disrespect for the dangers presented by his fellow man. He might have been there as a photographer, he might have been championing Africa's cause...but in the end what killed him was the assumption that because he was on their side they would be on his. In the end it led to his death. He failed to realize that, despite trying to help the people, their hate ran deep enough to kill. Helping them only made him a target. But, nontheless, it's going to serve to inspire people that mistakenly believe that you have to teach men not to...kill, rape, insert idealistic woke diatribe...rather than take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. So, what we have is a tragic story that people are going to draw the wrong inspiration from.