Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Movie Poster
  • PG13
A rogue band of resistance fighters unite for a mission to steal the Death Star plans and bring a new hope to the galaxy.
  • Avatar Picture PeterJasonQuill 6/23/2021 3:57:54 PM 8.4

    Fun Star Wars movie. Plenty of homages and nods to the original trilogy throughout the film, Andy plenty of cameos as well. Has amazing action sequences and enough thrills to keep any true Star Wars fan hooked right from the beginning. No opening crawl at the start for a change and a great score by Michael Giachinno, but still includes the original end credits with John Williams' original music. K-2SO is a show stealer and is very funny as a character. Overall the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back in my opinion. The force is with this one.

  • Avatar Picture Per Gunnar Jonsson 5/16/2024 3:21:15 PM 8.4

    Oups! I just realized that, for some reason, this movie had fallen between the cracks. It was quite some time since I watched it but I seem to have forgotten to write a post about it. For me this was one of the best of the new (after the original trilogy) Star Wars movies. It was fun, entertaining with plenty of good, old-fashioned Star Wars action. I generally do not like prequels but this time I felt it was nice to get a bit of the background to the statement that “a number of spies died to get this information” in episode IV. We were even provided with a bit of an explanation as to why the Death Star had this silly weakness in the first place. The actors were doing a decent enough job of it. The chatty android was fun without being totally silly. It was a nice roller coaster ride of action, improvisations, and gung ho ludicrous stunts inside and outside of various forms of transportation means. As usual with Star Wars the science part of science fiction is somewhat lacking. What looks cool is what is put on the screen and screw science. When reading books I am more sensitive to such things but for a Star Wars movie it works well enough. Some people seem to be dissecting the characters and dialogue, trying to put logic into it as well as wanting to have more emotions and “character development”. Come on! It is a Star Wars movie. It is supposed to be all action and visually stunning. On that this movie delivers. Sure the plot is not really the most developed one and has plenty of faults. The movie is till a hugely fun Star Wars based science romp though.

  • Avatar Picture GenerationofSwine 1/14/2023 2:42:21 AM 8.4

    So, there seems to be two main points that the real haters are focusing on. 1) Fanfiction 2) SJW propaganda. Now, I do believe these are both reactions to, well, The Force Awakens. The first just being a hatred for Rey, who was a Mary Sue and one that gave the entire movie a fanfiction feel. And where that is true for The Force Awakens, its not Rogue One, at least it is not Rogue One if we are staying in the Star Wars COULD be fanfiction if someone warped Saving Private Ryan into the Star Wars universe and...yeah, not, It's not fan fiction. The Second point, the SJW one, well, that could honestly also be a backlash against The Force Awakens as, yeah, anyone that called Rey a Mary Sue was accused of being a misogynist for, well...reasons. Specifically for reasons that had NOTHING to do with why they didn't like Rey--at least why most people didn't like her...most. And, in Rogue One, if the cast is multi-cultural of ominous political agenda doesn't really feel that way. The diversity works and it works because you don't really notice it unless people point it out to complain about it.. ...and the people that do, yeah, it is likely because of The Force Awakens and they are forgetting that this takes place in a Galaxy Far, Far Away and, well, by definition they are all aliens anyway, so, you know, trying to force diversity in a movie entirely comprised of according to Hoyle aliens...wouldn't that mean a LOT more alien looking aliens? So, a lot of that is lingering from The Force Awakens and, well, some of it is understandable, if not for the movie itself than because of the backlash against people that thought Rey was entirely too perfect. Another reason for that hate could be a lack of lightsaber battles and, I really feel the fanboys on this one...but, no, really this was a Star Wars movie that felt like a war movie and the lack of blatant force powers and lightsabers until the very end worked... In fact it worked so well you did kind of get a Saving Private Ryan feel off the movie, a lone rogue squad taking on the entire Nazi?...Sith?...the entire Intergalactic Empire. It was really fun to watch and, not sense the Evacuation at Dunkirk that was the planet Hoth, did we see a Star Wars ground battle that really looked like it was a war. So this was pretty cool. And then there is Jyn. Now a lot of hate gores to her and I can't figure out why. She seemed like a real character. Rey could have been a feminist SJW transplant that was made super awesome because...reasons. But Jyn had serious flaws, she had issues, she seemed like a real person. So props to Felicity Jones for bringing that awesomeness to life. No, seriously, props to her. Outside of Solo, I really don't think I've seen a Star Wars character I thought was that, well, cool, real, just fun in the way that you could point to her and say "I could know someone like that." There were other cool characters in the saga...but none as realistically portrayed. And that doesn't just go for Jones. The only main character that doesn't seem like a real person was Chirrut Îmwe and, well, we can forgive him for that because he was the kung-fu movie awesome that helped make the movie not just a war movie in space. He was the guy that brought the Force into the film and made it a Star Wars, who really cares if he doesn't feel like a real person? I know I don't. And the last bit of hate is because, well, it doesn't have any of the real main characters, no Solo, no Skywalker IS a stand alone movie, so if you came in expecting them, well, that is your fault. Disney made it clear from the get-go. What you have here is a cool science fiction war movie. It fits into the saga and it doesn't, but that isn't a bad thing--prequels, the Force Awakens--as only 3/7th of the saga movies are really any good. And, as a war movie, it stands on its own. It is actually better than a LOT of the war movies people tout as masterpieces **cough** **Thin Red Line** **cough** So, watch it, you should have no complaints... ...unless you are complaining about the SJW, the Fanfiction, and the lack of Skywalker or Solo, and if you are, well, there is going to be no pleasing you no matter what you watch.