Hans Zimmer
Original Music Composer -
Stan Lee
In Memory Of -
Emily Brobst
Stunt Double -
Jack Kirby
Thanks -
Simon Kinberg
Producer -
Richard Norton
Fight Choreographer -
Simon Northwood
Stunts -
John Byrne
Wuchak 6/23/2021 3:58:24 PM
***A fuller rendition of the Jean Grey Plot of “X-Men 3” with Sophie Turner*** This is another take on the Jean Grey story of “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006). That movie was good up until the last act with the conventional battle between the good and bad mutants at Alcatraz Island, which diverged from the more interesting core story concerning Jean. “Dark Phoenix” (2019) has a similar problem in that Jean’s inner conflict between good and evil is the most interesting element, along with the other mutants being troubled by her transformation and trying to figure out how to handle it. Unfortunately, as with “X-Men 3,” the filmmakers insist on having everything come down to a big battle sequence that’s overlong and predictable, although it’s better and more moving here. A good example of predictableness is when Magneto (Michael Fassbender) utilizes many rifles to shoot Vuk (Jessica Chastain); you know very well that the bullets are going to be totally useless. The ending’s not bad, just tedious and perfunctory, similar to the big battle sequence in “Avengers: Endgame,” albeit less dull. The original climax of “Dark Phoenix” took place in space and had too many similarities to “Captain Marvel,” which beat “Dark Phoenix” to the theaters. So the creators had to reshoot the ending as a battle sequence involving a train, but it didn’t feel tacked on or inorganic, although the Juk/aliens subplot did. I prefer Sophie Turner to Famke Janssen in the titular role. She’s just an all-around pleasure to behold, although acting-wise she’s not yet up to the caliber of Fassbender, James McAvoy (Xavier) or Jennifer Lawrence (Raven), not even close. In any case, I found the Phoenix story fascinating just as I did with “The Last Stand,” but here it’s more fleshed out, which makes it better in some ways. I just wish the creators would have the gonads to do something fresh rather than strap the conventional “big battle” ending on what could have been a great movie. If you liked “First Class” (2011), “Days of Future Past” (2014) and “Apocalypse” (2016), “Dark Phoenix” is cut from the same cloth in all-around quality. I prefer “Days” and “Apocalypse,” but “Dark Phoenix” ain’t no slouch, despite what detractors might say; and it’s superior to “First Class.” The film runs 1 hour, 53 minutes. GRADE: B+
Movie Queen41 6/23/2021 3:58:23 PM
I don't think this was the disaster that the critics make it out to be, but it is one of the lesser Fox X-Men movies. Both the opening scene where the X-Men rescue astronauts stranded in space and the ending where Magneto and the X-Men fight aliens on a train were well done action scenes. It's the middle that sags a bit. The film lacks energy and emotional impact. Simon Kinberg wrote and directed this second go around of the Phoenix Saga as a way to atone for writing the mediocre The Last Stand. But this film does not really improve on that film at all. I am eager to see Kevin Feige cover the full Phoenix Saga properly in a trilogy. You cannot cram the Phoenix story into one movie. We've barely gotten to know these young versions of these characters from Apocalypse. The worst performance is from Jennifer Lawrence, whose Raven is completely smug and obnoxious towards Prof. X. I was happy when she exited the movie. You can tell she doesn't care about this franchise at all. Beast acts completely out of character and joins Magneto to kill Jean--something he would never do. Quicksilver exits the movie quickly after being injured by Jean and only returns at the very end. His relationship with his father, Magneto, is never addressed. Scott Summers takes orders from Mystique (ugh!) and never shows any leadership abilities. The villains are generic evil aliens who want to use the Phoenix Force to take over the world. They are just bargain basement Skrulls. Then there are the usual continuity errors with other X-Men movies. Apocalypse showed that Phoenix was a part of Jean, just like The Last Stand did. Now we are told that the Phoenix lives outside of Jean and comes from outer space. Also, when you see how things end for Prof. X and Jean in this movie, it's unlikely that either of them would appear at the end of Days of Future Past to greet Logan at the school. Overall, disappointing and the perfect time for Disney to reboot this property.
Per Gunnar Jonsson 5/16/2024 3:21:17 PM
I had seen somewhat mixed opinions of this movie and none of them were really that great so I had some doubts about it. Anyway, the other day I sat down with the kids and watched it. Far from the greatest X-Men movie but it’s not that bad either. It’s okayish. The story is fairly decent and, as usual, the special effects (which is really why I watch these movies) is quite good actually. The characters are doing a decent enough job of their roles although none of them are really up to the standard Patrick Stewart brought to the franchise. The biggest gripe I have with the movie is it’s incessant whining. Jean is quite cool when she get’s pissed off and shows off her powers pretty much stopping anything that gets thrown at her. However those good moments are overshadowed by both her and other characters going into whining mode every so often. And Hank is just a bloody annoying asshole. I haven’t really read that many X-Men comics (didn’t have them in Sweden when I grew up) so I cannot say I know much about Jean’s real story in those. I noticed that a lot of people complained about the story in the movie not being “the right” one. Sure, when they take a known character and remakes him for no good reason that pisses me off as well but this is NOT a one star movie by any stretch of the imagination. Overall I cannot say that I really felt disappointed having watched it. Not exactly overjoyed either but it made for a decent enough movie evening with the kids.
Nicholas Hoult
Hank McCoy / BeastJames McAvoy
Charles Xavier / Professor XMichael Fassbender
Erik Lensherr / MagnetoJennifer Lawrence
Raven Darkholme / MystiqueSophie Turner
Jean Grey / Dark PhoenixEvan Peters
Peter Maximoff / QuicksilverJessica Chastain
VukTye Sheridan
Scott Summers / Cyclops