James Gunn
Second Unit Director -
Stan Lee
Executive Producer -
Kevin Feige
Producer -
John Francis Daley
Screenstory -
Avi Arad
Executive Producer -
Jon Watts
Screenplay -
Alice Rietveld
Stunts -
Jack Kirby
A Fan of Many Things 6/23/2021 3:58:09 PM
After the failure that was 'The Amazing Spider-man 2' Sony made a drastic decision in lending the character back to Marvel, and did it pay off? Absolutely! Unlike the Sam Raimi trilogy where Toby Maguire was a better Peter Parker than Spider-man and the Mark Webb duology where Andrew Garfield was a better Spider-man than a Peter, Tom Holland encapsulates both characters perfectly. Of course there were a negatives, especially in the second act which drops off a bit but the movies does such a wonderful job of recapturing our attention that you just can't help but forgive the movie for it!
skembry 6/23/2021 3:58:10 PM
GenerationofSwine 1/14/2023 3:00:13 AM
I won't complain about the continuity error within the MCU...because no one really cares least of all myself. Well, how do we do this. I mean, it is refreshing that Garfield is gone and with him the Spider-Bully. For Marvel comics fans, it really hurt watching Garfield bully and taunt his victims. Now we have a Spidey that is, well, nice. Holland is able to be funny and wise-cracking without seeming like a, well, a Flash Thompson. With that it beings us back to the source material. In other words Holland puts the "friendly" back in "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." And I think the MCU was well aware of this, given the time they took to make sure everyone knew Holland was going to be the hero that everyone loves. And then Keaton does a great vulture from his origin to his demise he seemed to do everything he could to really become the character. My only complaints were the supporting cast. Aunt May I can accept with a moderate grudge because she is a great actress... But Tony Revolori doesn't seem....built enough to be Flash. He's more the bully of the Millennial generation that uses words and little more and...when it comes down to it, even those are vapid. What's that old adage, "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me." Millennials I guess have never heard that. Flash is supposed to be that big bully jock that hits his prime in high school and, a decade later, delivers the pizza when you go home to visit your folks...this Flash has a future. And the MJ tease at the went a little too far away from the character in looks and personality to sit well. Still, on the whole the movie is a breath of fresh air in its distance from Garfield's rendition and at times, Holland was even able to pull off almost a James Bond quality while still portraying a kid over his head. Like all MCU movies, however, the pay off is the humor.
Robert Downey Jr.
Tony Stark / Iron ManTom Holland
Peter Parker / Spider-ManChris Evans
Steve Rogers / Captain AmericaZendaya
MichelleJennifer Connelly
Karen / Suit Lady (voice)Jon Favreau
Happy HoganMichael Keaton
Adrian Toomes / VultureMarisa Tomei
May Parker