Sydney Guilaroff
Hair Designer -
Cedric Gibbons
Art Direction -
Freddie Young
Director of Photography -
John Houseman
Producer -
William Tuttle
Makeup Designer -
Vincente Minnelli
Director -
Russell Harlan
Director of Photography -
Norman Corwin
John Chard 5/16/2024 3:22:26 PM
Violence makes me sick. I have too much inside me, I'm afraid of it. Lust for Life is a biography film of revered painter Vincent Van Gogh. It is adapted from Irving Stone's fictionalized biography by Norman Corwin and stars Kirk Douglas, Anthony Quinn and James Donald. It's directed by Vincente Minnelli, cinematography is by Freddie Young and Russel Harlan and music is scored by Miklos Roza. This shines bright as a beacon in how Hollywood used to make a biopic the right way. Not a big commercial success as such, it has however gained critical praise the older it gets. Technically it's hard to fault, the colour lenses in CinemaScope, Roza's beautiful mood accompaniment score, and the direction and acting - with Douglas inhabiting Van Gogh and likewise Quinn for Paul Gauguin (Oscar Winner Best Supporting Actor) - bring this tragic story vividly to life. It tugs the heart strings while it also inspires, while for art lovers the use of Van Gogh's real paintings (Minnelli was trusted to film with ultimate care) is an added joy. A super piece of film making. 9/10
Kirk Douglas
Vincent van GoghEric Pohlmann
ColbertAnthony Quinn
Paul GauguinLaurence Naismith
Dr. BosmanEverett Sloane
Dr. GachetHenry Daniell
Theodorus van GoghJames Donald
Theo van GoghLionel Jeffries
Dr. Peyron