The events in Sarajevo in June 1914 are the backdrop for a thriller directed by Andreas Prochaska and written by Martin Ambrosch, focusing on the examining magistrate Dr. Leo Pfeffer (Florian Teichtmeister) investigating the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Trying to do his job in a time of lawlessness and violence, intrigues and betrayal, Leo struggles to maintain his integrity and save his love, Marija, and her father, prominent Serbian merchant. But the events of Sarajevo have set into motion an inescapable course of events that will escalate to become … the Great War.
Melika Foroutan
Marija JeftanovićHeino Ferch
Dr. Herbert SattlerEdin Hasanović
Danilo IlicJuraj Kukura
Stojan JeftanovicFriedrich von Thun
Sektionsrat WiesnerErwin Steinhauer
Oskar PotiorekFlorian Teichtmeister
Leo PfefferMartin Leutgeb