David Lean
Second Unit Director -
Charlie Picerni
Stunts -
Henry Wills
Stunts Coordinator -
Paul Baxley
Second Unit Director -
George Stevens
Director -
Jerry Gatlin
Stunts -
Jean Negulesco
Second Unit Director -
Neil Summers
John Chard 5/16/2024 3:22:12 PM
*Repent!* Sue me, but I like it plenty, all 3 hours plus of ass numbing is not a problem to me. It has been called a cumbersome bore, amongst other things, but some of the technical craft is amazing. The story itself is enthralling, building to the shattering Crucifixion parts of the tale, while for every pointless star cameo shoehorned into the production, there's also a Savalas, a Baker and a Heston. Then of course there's Sydow, giving a beautifully intense turn as Jesus, a magnetic portrayal that holds the attention throughout. Ironically director George Stevens struggled with his own ills during production, a cross to bear as it were, but just as Jesus had Sidney Poitier to share the burden, so to did Stevens, who had David Lean to help carry the load. Now that's a deity if ever there was one. It's a gorgeous film, grand and epic, sensitive and astute. Flaws? Plenty for sure, yet it harks back to a time of blunderbuss epic film making, when story telling meant something, when a musical score rattled the ears and the heart, and when cinematography soothed the eyes as if cool lemon slices had been placed upon the optical nerves. Yeah, I'm a fan. If you are not then I forgive you, for you know not what you do. 7/10
CinemaSerf 9/5/2024 8:18:47 AM
Max von Sydow is Jesus in George Steven's take on the "King of Kings" story and aside from a suitably effective contribution from José Ferrer as Herod Antipas, gives the only decent performance in this epically long, plodding, depiction of the life of Christ. Clearly money was spent - the photography is epic, as is Alfred Newman's score and a first-rate cast of Hollywood A-listers ought to have delivered better. Sadly, it is hampered by a static script - producing some seriously stultifying dialogue; authentic but murky lighting and a paucity of action that makes the film drag. Aside from a good, if brief, performance from Claude Rains as Herod the Great at the start, the acting is at best disjointed - too many people trying to impose themselves at the expense of any considered approach to the narrative. It may well be the greatest story ever written, but this is certainly not the best telling of it...
Angela Lansbury
ClaudiaCharlton Heston
John the BaptistRoddy McDowall
MatthewJohn Wayne
Centurion at crucifixionMartin Landau
CaiaphasDonald Pleasence
The Dark Hermit - SatanShelley Winters
Woman who is healedMax von Sydow