The film tells the story of Aiko, a 35-year-old mute woman who works in a bowling alley, and her brief romance with Yoshioka, a younger man who works as a postal carrier. The two meet when Aiko accidentally knocks Yoshioka off his bicycle, and they have a sexual encounter soon after. Aiko begins preparing lunchboxes and giving them to Yoshioka at his workplace as a way of expressing affection, which she cannot do verbally.
Kiyomi Itō
Chiba KeikoYumika Hayashi
Fukui AikoYohta Kawase
ArimaLemon Hanazawa
Kato IkumiTakeshi Itō
IshimotoMutsuo Yoshioka
Kawada YoshioYūji Tajiri
Hiroshi Sato
Bowling king