James Cameron
Director -
Gale Anne Hurd
Producer -
Peter Kent
Stunt Double -
William Wisher
Dialogue -
Marian Green
Stunts -
Jeff Habberstad
Stunts -
Tane McClure
Vocals -
Glenn R. Wilder
Jodie 6/23/2021 3:57:54 PM
Writing a review for a movie this old does indeed seem pointless, but since this is one of my favorite films I thought I would review it anyway. In my opinion The Terminator is a beautiful, yet tragic love story set in the back drop of the future and the past. A soldier from the future is sent to the 80's to save the leader of the resistance (John Connor) mother from a High Tech Cybernetic Killing Machine. We all know that. What I loved was that this soldier, Kyle Reese volunteers for this suicide mission. He volunteers for one reason because, he had fallen in love with this woman, Sarah Connor. Though they were separated by several decades of time and Judgement Day, her son tells him these tales of his mother Sarah and gives him a single picture of her, purposefully pushing Reese to fall for his mother and this is the reason for him traveling through time to do the nearly impossible. Save and protect Sarah Connor to save the human race in the future and kill a super bad ass T-800 with low tech weaponry and a reluctant Damsel. Bullets flying and bombs booming make this movie highly entertaining. The storyline, ridiculous as it is, is fantastic and had everyone in the 80's and 90's quoting this SciFi film. It's always a good watch. It holds up nicely overtime.
GenerationofSwine 1/12/2023 2:34:20 AM
Here we go, the movie that started it all and wasn't Arnold believable as a robot? He came across as threatening and creepy as all get out, and the thick accent really played for the role. And then, of course, the plot was so unbelievable that it sucked everyone right in, from the start you suspended your disbelief because you knew it was going to be one heck of a ride. The cinematography was absolutely brilliant, everything seemed to fall into place perfectly for the first outing of the Terminator franchise and we got to see Sarah Connor transform from a frightened waitress at the start of the film, to someone that would become on of science-fiction's best known heroes by the end of it. It was a truly fantastic film.
Narate 1/1/2025 4:13:12 PM
"_It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!_" What's there to say that hasn't been said already? It's an incredible sci-fi thriller that is so good because not only is the story fun, but Cameron makes it look so good even back then before he blew up. Arnold is terrifying, Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn were meant to be and the score gives me chills.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
TerminatorLance Henriksen
VukovichLinda Hamilton
Sarah ConnorBill Paxton
Punk LeaderMichael Biehn
Kyle ReeseBrian Thompson
PunkPaul Winfield
TraxlerMarianne Muellerleile
Wrong Sarah