Gregg Araki
Thanks -
Georgianne Walken
Casting -
Jamie Babbit
Director -
Donald Kushner
Executive Producer -
Leanna Creel
Producer -
Sheila Jaffe
Casting -
Jeffrey G. Hunt
Steadicam Operator -
Morgan J. Freeman
fasm1976 6/23/2021 3:57:41 PM
Awesome movie about a girl sent to a camp to make her straight. Funny comedy n you get to see Ru Paul out of drag!
alexia 6/24/2024 2:32:25 PM
Definitely one of my favorites, I'm not great at writing reviews but somethings I love about this movie is just how well Natasha Lyonne and Clea DuVall were able to represent such interesting characters. Megan and Graham are such deep characters and getting to see them get their happy ending is all I could ask for in a movie like this. Having RuPaul in this is also a nice touch, also considering the irony in his role. Dante Basco is also someone I loved to see in this, I'm for sure a huge fan of some of his other roles as well like Zuko from ATLA and Rufio from Hook. (So many niche references here to make, Homestuck for one. One of the characters Rufioh was inspired by Dante's part who he actually ended up doing some voicing for him in a Voxus Lets Read Homestuck recording somewhere! Grey Delisle, the voice of Azula from ATLA, also did a few one off lines for Vriska at some point. I think Dante was a pretty big fan of Homestuck at the time and got her to do a few lines but I'm not completely sure.) The message of the movie is "Be gay" as said by Natasha Lyonne. Anyways, I think this is an amazing movie with loveable characters and I'd definitely recommend this to anyone!
Melanie Lynskey
HilaryMichelle Williams
KimberlyNatasha Lyonne
MeganIone Skye
Kelly (uncredited)Julie Delpy
Lipstick LesbianCathy Moriarty
Mary BrownDante Basco
DolphEddie Cibrian