Christopher Nolan
Screenplay -
Hans Zimmer
Original Music Composer -
Heath Ledger
In Memory Of -
Bob Kane
Characters -
Kevin De La Noy
Executive Producer -
Jonathan Nolan
Screenplay -
Nathan Crowley
Production Design -
Emma Thomas
talisencrw 6/23/2021 3:57:47 PM
This has no competition. It is the very finest comic-book character movie ever made. Knowing the Burton, Donner and Nolan filmic adaptations of Batman and Superman exist helps me to sleep at night. They are Exhibit A of 'How to Make a Comic-Book Movie'. Nothing else has ever come even remotely close. These seven films (I include 'Superman II' because it was mostly Donner's work)--and Nolan's trilogy especially--are what I imagine a great director like Kubrick, Hitchcock or Kurosawa would have come up with, if they had ever been asked to make a Superman or Batman movie. They are the easiest for an audience to identify with because in these the scripts most approximate human emotions and the typical conundrums of the human experience--in short, are the closest, in a good way, they come to the complexities of the human condition. Peerless.
tmdb22590444 6/23/2021 3:58:21 PM
One of the best movies of all time. Christopher Nolan has brought us the Batman trilogy that it made it feel it could happen today. Christian Bale returns as Batman, was able to perform as wonderfully as he did in Batman Begins. The one person that ultimately stole the show had to be the late Heath Ledger who played as the Joker. His performance as a psychotic clown terrorizing Gotham City was one of the best performance as a superhero villain. One of the best parts of the Joker was when he was telling his victims on how “he got his scars?”. Another great part was when he kidnapped a police officer and he was recording it while scaring the man and also giving a warning to Batman. The supporting actor and actresses did a good job of delivering the story. I was disappointed that Katie Holmes did not return as Rachael Dawes but the actress how played as her Maggie Gyllenhaal did a really good job. One of the best parts of Christopher Nolan is that in every movie of his, the cinematography would look amazing and this movie is no exception.
tmdb79614358 6/23/2021 3:58:48 PM
A Masterpiece!!! I Love how The Dark Knight shows to me the "Dark & Gritty Tone". Overall, Nolan give us the Game changing, best superhero film OF ALL TIME. For me it's 10/10
Gary Oldman
GordonMorgan Freeman
Lucius FoxMichael Caine
AlfredCillian Murphy
ScarecrowMichael Jai White
GambolChristian Bale
Bruce WayneAaron Eckhart
Harvey DentAnthony Michael Hall