Nina Gold
Casting -
Tricia Wood
Casting -
Deborah Aquila
Casting -
Lynda La Plante
Executive Producer -
Ol Parker
Director -
David M. Thompson
Executive Producer -
Ben Davis
Director of Photography -
Consolata Boyle
Costume Design
Nubyan 6/23/2021 3:58:01 PM
That was a great movie. I read the subject matter in the preview and thought...this sounds interesting. I can't believe this came out in 2005. Twelve years isn't that long ago, fits right in with 2017. It was easy to fall for the main characters. I found myself being torn between wanting Rachel to remain with Heck and wanting her to be with Luce. It's a story of love. Just when you think you've found true love, life throws you a curve ball and complicates everything. In the end, everyone seems to end up where they should be.
Piper Perabo
RachelLena Headey
LuceMatthew Goode
HeckBen Miles
RobCelia Imrie
TessaTom McKay
Michael 2Sharon Horgan
BethAnthony Stewart Head